Origin and solidification of the Brazilian mathematical community


Title: Origin and solidification of the Brazilian mathematical community
Author: Clovis Pereira da Silva
Book language: English
ISBN: 978-620-7-45734-2
Number of pages: 76
Publisher: LAP – Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN: 978-620-7-45734-2
Posted in 01-09-2024
Book available at: www.morebooks.shop
Key words: mathematics in Brazil; Brazilian mathematical community;
20th century; FFCL-USP; FNFi-UB; IMPA
MSC: 01-02, 01A05, 01A60, 01A73

In this text, the author reconstructs the elements that contributed to the
birth of the initial phase, and the consolidation of the following phases, of
the formation of the Brazilian mathematical community, that is, its
genesis. This includes the elements, decisions, actions, and efforts of
educated and well-intentioned people, which led to the beginning of the
first phase of the formation of the Brazilian mathematical community
from the 1930s onwards, and continued in the following decades with
actions and hard work in favor of solidifying the mathematical community
in Brazil.
One of the objectives of this book is to inform the current generation that
some members of the nascent mathematical community in Brazil, were
not passive about the actions to be carried out – including organization – to
begin the long process of creation of good teaching and research centers,
and training of the country’s mathematical community. If those men of
science who preceded us had done nothing to promote the initial phase of
organization and formation of good teaching and research centers in
mathematics, then the current Brazilian mathematical community would
not exist in its strength and wisdom. We remind members of the current
Brazilian mathematical community that it is tough to create a good
teaching and research center in mathematics out of nothing, an action
that requires a lot of mathematical capacity and good organizing skills, as
the creators of the centers did: FFCL- USP, in the 1930s, and IMPA, in the